Recap of the First-Ever HCL Pot Limit Omaha Event
Brought to you by High Stakes Poker Productions, streaming live on YouTube from Los Angeles, California for four days straight, Hustler Casino Live presented yet another historic poker event – Super High Stakes Pot Limit Omaha Week. Well over 10k live stream viewers & ChatPros, alike, were on the edge of their seats every night as players contended with huge swings in stack sizes and mind-bending variance. The combined energy at the tables alongside the excitement and expertise of commentator Joe Ingram provided us all with a deep-dive into the great game that is Pot Limit Omaha.
Each night, the blinds were $500/$500 with a $2,000 ante, players could only buy-in and reload $50,000 at a time. The chips would pile in pre-flop, too, thanks to straddles – $10,000 from the button or $5,000 from all other positions. Plus, when a player would win with trips in their hand, they collected a $5,000 bounty from all the other players at the table – increased to $25,000 if a player won a hand while holding quads. By the end of each night of the PLO event, even with a $250k cap, millions of dollars were in play thanks to the countless all-ins and reloads.

Tom Dwan and Nik Airball headlined all four days of the Super High Stakes PLO event along with Professor, Anthony, and “Prince” Charles. For the majority of the game on day one, we saw short-handed action with Santhosh in the game and with the addition of Marius later on. Professor made his HCL debut on the kick-off night of the first-ever Super High Stakes PLO Week and instantly became a fan favorite. His boisterous energy carried over to the chat box with his sing-song verbal declarations like ”I’m all in!” and “That’s ME!”.
The six- and seven-handed, short-stack game definitely provided an all-in-and-flip environment on day one in order for the players to build their stacks. As a result, it became impossible for Nik Airball to dig out of rebuy corner. On the other side of the spectrum, we saw Anthony – also new to the stream – struggle at first, but he rebounded and dominated the game. Going into day two, how would Nik Airball adjust his strategy to turn that downswing right-side up?
Player | Cumulative Winnings |
Anthony | $413,000 |
Tom Dwan | $160,000 |
Santhosh | $100,500 |
Marius | -$17,500 |
Professor | -$47,500 |
Charles | -$89,500 |
Nik Airball | -$519,000 |
Check out these awesome hands and moments from day one.
Tom Dwan DOMINATES in Super High Stakes PLO
Santosh Keeps Defying Equity In High Stakes PLO
Nik Airball Turns Half Million into DUST!!!
Watch the full episode here:
HCL Super High Stakes PLO Game – Day One

The buzz surrounding the first ever Super High Stakes PLO Week on Hustler Casino Live drummed up a lot of attention across the poker community. After just the first night of action, Poker News posted an article featuring HCL’s very own Nik Airball. Day Two went a lot better for Nik Airball – alas, no article surfaced about his near $450k win. Professor, Charles and Santhosh could not find their way out of the red. Newest addition to the show and to the Super High Stakes PLO action, investor and Detroit home game legend, Firas, had a great start to the night. However, as the evening progressed, we saw Firas get tangled up in several multi-way pots where equity did not favor him. Another insta-fan favorite, Marius – “quiet and steady,” as Joe Ingram referred to him – managed to land at the top of the heap by the end of the stream on Day Two.
Player | Cumulative Winnings |
Marius | $454,000 |
Nik Airball | $420,000 |
Tom Dwan | $318,500 |
Anthony | $20,000 |
Firas | -$202,500 |
Professor | -$290,500 |
Charles | -$342,000 |
Santhosh | -$377,500 |
Check out these awesome hands and moments from day two.
Tom Dwan Flops The Nuts And Sets The Trap
$405,000 Pot!! Tom Dwan Is The PLO GOAT!
$1.06 MILLION!! Tom Dwan Plays Biggest PLO Pot in HCL History!
Watch the full episode here:
HCL Super High Stakes PLO Game – Day Two
Go to page two of this article for links and cumulative winnings for days three and four.