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HCL News

Introducing the newest branded episode on the show - Thirsty Thursdays! The overarching theme of these episodes is for players to provide an action-packed game while also socializing and drinking with each other, which gives the game a relaxed feeling compared to some of the High Stakes games that solely focus on poker itself. Each session will commence with a witty toast from a player to set the mood, and then will go right into the action! Be sure

“Get that man a beer!” As a combined result of players’ availabilities along with providing some much needed rest for several players and the crew of Hustler Casino Live, it was decided to move day four to Tuesday. Finally, at 5pm on Tuesday afternoon, the friendly and rested voice of ChatPro favorite, DGAF, popped up over the view of players settling on to the stage of the Crystal Room. “Welcome to the finale - night four of The Million Dollar Game on

“On Your Bike, Tony! You and your ACES!” It may seem like deja vu, but, no! Day THREE of Hustler Casino Live’s Million Dollar Game event was upon us. On day two, we saw some incredible action seemingly brought on by the reduced buy-in amount of $500,000. Players returned to day three with a minimum of one million dollar buy-ins, though, and the made-to-gamble lineup came to play. Returning from day two, players Huss, Nik Airball, Tony G, and Ben Lee,

Decision to Reduce Buy-In Leads to Max Action Before we knew it, the countdown to day two of the Hustler Casino Live Million Dollar Game was underway. Co-owner & Producer, Ryan Feldman, decided to allow players to buy-in for $500,000 - for day two only. Advocating for the change during his pre-game interview with Veronica Brill and Joe Ingram, Rob Yong said that he expects the game to be a bit more “gambley.” Yong continued to say that, essentially, the decision